Animal cultural evolution
Although retired I still have one ongoing project with Guillaume Isabel and Sabine Nöbel.
Keywords: Non-genetic inheritance, Social information, Mate choice, Animal culture, Conformity
Biological models: Drosophila melanogaster
Funding: ANR (Project’s name: MoleCulture)
Collaboration: Guillaume Isabel (CRCA, Toulouse) and Sabine Nöbel (EDB and IAST, Toulouse)
Field work
In 2019, I also resumed participating in the longterm monitoring of the Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) breeding population in Cap Sizun (Brittany, (France) .
My goal is to help Emmanuelle Cam now in charge of that project that was initiated in 1979 by Jean-Yves Monnat, and to which I participated from 1982 to 2002, in collecting data in the field.
From 2003 to 2013 I had moved to the Alaskan Island of Middleton to perform specific experiments on the sexual biology of kittiwakes.
I stopped being involved in the Alaskan project in 2014 as one of my former PhD student, Sarah Leclerc decided to take the lead of that Alaskan project.
Meaning of acronyms ANR: Agence Nationale de la Recherche CRCA: Centre de Recherche sur la cognition animale (other lab in University Paul Sabatier) EDB: évolution & Diversité Biologique (My lab)